Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wat is happening this week??

Wats is happening now??why all of them must do until like this?one day dont scold people cannot d arh??must always go scold...not sienz de meh??wats so good on scolding people??can get money?the ppl u scold wil die or wat???theres no difference...its the same,she/he still wil go to school and u still will see her/him since u're in school and if u dont wanna see them anymore,then dont come to school if not stop it from now on!even u hate that ppl,do u nid to scold her/him??I everyday hearing u all scolding I also boring laa...jus a very small problem u all have must make it to a very very big prob...wats the point???i dont get it..who can tell me wats the point of scolding ppl everyday??if anyone get its,can tel me?