Friday, August 27, 2010

Today finally no scolding ppl...

Today finally no scolding ppl liao donno why so damn peace...walao,if like this good lor..I like it!Today nothing happen at PEACE!!but still got something havent finished yet..I lazy to tell u all know nid me to tell ady lor i think today i oly write this short oly cos today nothing to write....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today really is a bad day...

This week really is a bad week or can say is a bad month for this year plus is ghost festivals somor..I almost everyday at school when recess time mus have something happen...wat so good on scolding people???settle it in1 day la..dont oways come and scold..wan to eat also hard la..dont oways like that cannot d ark??oways scold scold scold...sienzzz!!!u somor wan write in the paper n scold,too 'geng' le la...whr got ppl scold another person holding a paper and scold de???first time i see in skull...aizz..lazy to type more...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finally have posted yen er picture...

Finally posted yen er picture...mus go to see laa..and left a comment at there..I wanna see how is it when u all see her picture and mus put like okay???if not yen er,will very sad d fast go see

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wat is happening this week??

Wats is happening now??why all of them must do until like this?one day dont scold people cannot d arh??must always go scold...not sienz de meh??wats so good on scolding people??can get money?the ppl u scold wil die or wat???theres no difference...its the same,she/he still wil go to school and u still will see her/him since u're in school and if u dont wanna see them anymore,then dont come to school if not stop it from now on!even u hate that ppl,do u nid to scold her/him??I everyday hearing u all scolding I also boring laa...jus a very small problem u all have must make it to a very very big prob...wats the point???i dont get it..who can tell me wats the point of scolding ppl everyday??if anyone get its,can tel me?